ZEROHour Newsletter: December 2019
You Did It: $110,000,000 For Prostate Cancer Research! Breaking News: The House Committee on Appropriations allocated $110M in research funding for the Prostate Cancer Research Program (PCRP), a $10M increase! This is PCRP's highest appropriation since it was established in 1997. YOU ARE AMAZING! This success is a direct result of all of your support and advocacy for prostate cancer patients and their families. Because of your action, generosity, and dedication, patients can have even more hope in 2020 as they look forward to new treatments being developed. A special thank you to the hundreds of ZERO Champions who are tireless in this fight! Read more about this historic news, and share the difference you’ve made!
 This Holiday, Steve is Fighting for His Life The increase in PCRP funding is one step closer to ending prostate cancer, but men like Steve still need your help RIGHT NOW. You can make a difference this holiday season for men who need it most. Steve wants a future filled with more holidays with his adorable granddaughters — will you help him have more tomorrows with them? Get to know Steve and his story in this video, and give today to save men’s lives. Every donation is DOUBLED through December 31 to make twice the impact! You can be there for Steve and his family this holiday season and make a difference. We can’t do it without you, are you all in to help men like Steve?
 Health and Wellness at the ZERO Summit Health and wellness goals may seem like a cliché when it comes to New Year’s resolutions, but when it comes to fighting prostate cancer, health and wellness must be a priority. At this year’s Summit, learn about the importance of health, wellness, and nutrition during a cancer battle from Dr. Mark Moyad, one of the leading researchers in the study of how health and well-being influence cancer patients. Moyad will deliver a keynote speech on Monday morning (Feb. 24) to officially kick off the Summit’s track-based programming. His talk will especially complement those participating in the education track, which will zero in on well-being during cancer. The 2020 ZERO Summit is in Washington, D.C. on February 23-25 — just 70 days away! Summit attendees will learn from renowned experts about health, exercise, nutrition, self-care, community, and more. During expert-led sessions, attendees will receive hands-on takeaways and gain self-care skills. Connect with others in the prostate cancer community, learn, and most of all, have fun at the ZERO Summit. Save your spot today!
 Action Alert: Screening for High-Risk Men PSA Screening for HIM Act: In late November, ZERO led a bipartisan effort to introduce the PSA Screening for HIM Act in the U.S. House of Representatives. The PSA Screening for HIM Act would allow men with the highest risk (African American or those with a direct genetic link) for aggressive prostate cancer to receive screenings without cost-sharing. For these men, this bill will break down access barriers to screening, which could be the difference between catching prostate cancer early or when it’s too late. With prostate cancer, early detection is key. A man who is diagnosed with localized prostate cancer has a 99.9% five-year survival rate. This act is critical to the livelihood of men at high risk for prostate cancer. Tell your Congressperson to co-sponsor the PSA Screening for HIM Act today!
 Veterans & Active Servicemen: Share your Experience ZERO Veterans: ZERO recently partnered with Veterans Prostate Cancer Awareness (VPCa) to launch a new initiative aimed at bringing awareness, education, and resources to the 1 in 5 Veterans battling prostate cancer. To better inform treatment options and care specific to Veterans, ZERO and VPCa launched a survey to collect data on Veterans who have been impacted by prostate cancer. Now through the end of January, Veterans are invited to fill out an anonymous survey that will help inspire a path forward. Take the survey or share it with a Veteran you know
 A 'Stache of Gratitude Get inspired by all the good done on Giving Tuesday and during Grow & Give, and be proud of your role in saving lives. Grow & Give went international this year with 79 teams around the world hustling their hair to raise awareness about prostate cancer. From Parsippany, N.J., to Portugal, 731 participants raised over $170,000 for men and their families! Head to the Grow & Give leaderboard to see the top fundraising teams and individuals.
 #GivingTuesday Went Blue! On #GivingTuesday, you turned the day blue and saved lives! On December 3, you helped raise over $180,000 for men and their families. That’s enough funds to help 720 men access ZERO360, ZERO’s comprehensive patient support program that matches patients and families with an experienced case manager to help navigate options when dealing with prostate cancer. Patients and families everywhere are so grateful for the generosity and support that was shown on Giving Tuesday! Check out some of the live coverage of ZERO’s Giving Tuesday on Facebook.
 Making impact  |
A 2020 Goal: Host an Awareness Event! There’s one more thing to add to your 2020 goals … spread the word about the risks of prostate cancer! And we’ll make it even easier for you to get the message out by sending you a FREE awareness toolkit that includes ZERO swag, educational materials, and more — perfect for displaying at community health fairs or other events! » Request Your Awareness Toolkit Today! |
Champions Corner  |
Mother and Son Unite Against Cancer During Giving Tuesday, prostate cancer survivor Trevor and his mother Zona took bags filled with ZERO resources and materials, plus some local goodies, to their first responders in Shawnee, Oklahoma. Thanks, Trevor and Zona, for raising awareness about prostate cancer and giving back to your local community! » Meet Trevor and Zona |
Dating after Prostate Cancer  |
Dating after Prostate Cancer In the latest episode of ZERO’s new podcast, Prostate Cancer Uncensored, Jon Di Gesu shares how he was diagnosed with prostate cancer just six months after a divorce. He quickly realized that there was a lack of resources for single men battling this disease. » Listen to Jon’s story |
Run/Walks  |
Coming to new areas for the first time! ZERO is excited to announce that ZERO Run/Walks are coming to some cities for the first time ever in 2020! Stay tuned for more information for Run/Walks in these locales: North Jersey, Tulsa, Denver, Rockland County, NY, Walnut Creek, CA and Hartland, WI. » Learn more about the ZERO Run/Walk series |
 This edition of the ZEROHour Newsletter supported by:   |