J. Krishnamurti Online

Are you an individual? You have a different body, a different name, a bank account, maybe a disease – but are you an individual? You are conditioned like everybody else, and within that limited area that you call the individual, everything arises: your miseries, despairs, jealousies, fears. Everything comes from that limited, narrow, fragmentary existence that we are so proud of, with our individual souls and individual wills. With this messy, little stuff, we want to proceed to uncover God, truth, love and all the rest of it. You cannot. All you can do, if you are attentive, is to be aware of your fragment and the struggles of the fragment. The fragment can never become the whole. Do what you will, the spoke can never become the wheel. So one has to find out, inquire into this whole problem of the separative, narrow, little existence we call the individual.

From Public Talk 5, Saanen, 21 July 1964

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