J. Krishnamurti Online

A feeling arises. As it arises, you name it immediately. You justify it or you want to get rid of it. When that feeling arises, it is a new feeling, but the naming of it is the old response, the old symbolic, verbal recognition. The feeling is new and you identify that feeling with the old word. So through the word, through past experience, you have identified it and fixed it in memory, which becomes the old. But when there is no verbal recognition of it, it remains something fresh. But the instinct is to name it immediately. So to know myself, I not only have to see myself as I am, whatever that ‘I am’ be, with fresh eyes, and therefore I must understand this whole process of naming, condemning, accumulating knowledge, with which I look at myself as I am in the present and which prevents me from looking. It prevents me from seeing what actually I am, which demands a great deal of energy. To be on the spot, as it were, as every reaction arises and not to perpetuate it or give it a continuity through conflict with the past as good or bad, judging it, which only creates conflict. Conflict degenerates energy, wastes energy, and if you can look at yourself without wasting energy, which is without condemning, judging or recognising, then you have that energy that is absolutely necessary to observe every movement of thought.

From Public Discussion 7, Saanen, 10 August 1964

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