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Wednesday, 22 August 2018 | 01:35
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Gaslog ltd. Announces Two New Long-Term Charters With Cheniere And Places Newbuilding Orders At Samsung Heavy Industries


GasLog Ltd. (“GasLog”) (NYSE:GLOG) is pleased to announce the signing of two new charter party agreements (the “Charters”), each for a firm period of seven years, with a wholly owned subsidiary of Cheniere Energy, Inc. (“Cheniere”).

To fulfil the Charters, two

Further amended MARPOL Annex V – more rigorous requirements for recording of waste management offshore


Annex V, which applies to ships as well as fixed and floating offshore installations, was further amended recently to reflect modifications to the management and record-keeping of garbage on board a vessel. The changes came into force on 01 March

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Northwest European liquefied natural gas terminals are for the first time exporting more of the fuel than they are feeding
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The Kenya Ports Authority has acquired a new the Sh1.1billion state of the art tugboat to boost efficiency at the
China, seeking to skirt U.S. sanctions, will use oil tankers from Iran for its purchases of that country's crude, throwing
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In testimony on Friday, Aug. 24, before the United States Trade Representative (USTR) in Washington, D.C., the American Association of
* PetroChina’s Yunnan refinery has processed 56,000 tonnes, or 408,8000 barrels, of Iranian heavy crude, the company’s official newspaper said
Brazilian state-run oil company Petroleo Brasileiro SA has announced the terms of an exchange offer involving about $9.595 billion in
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