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Tuesday, 14 August 2018 | 01:14
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U.S. refineries running at near-record highs


For the week ending July 6, 2018, the four-week average of U.S. gross refinery inputs surpassed 18 million barrels per day (b/d) for the first time on record. U.S. refineries are running at record levels in response to robust domestic

Don’t Look Now, But the Gulf of Mexico Jackup Market is Doing Pretty Well


At first glance, it would be difficult to view a region with just 27 jackups and only 12 of those contracted as warranting any special attention. However, a deeper dive into the numbers shows that the US Gulf of Mexico

The industrial services provider Bilfinger is conquering new markets thanks to its scrubber technology. In the past weeks alone, the
Associated British Ports, the UK's leading port operator, today announces that it has invited Rolls Royce and Svitzer, part of
When Lee Dong-hee came to Ulsan to work for Hyundai Heavy Industries five years ago, shipyards in the city known
The British Ports Association (BPA) today [Tuesday 14 August] publishes its new sustainable development charter, which commits to supporting the
The major ports in India have recorded a growth of 4.13% and together handled 231.48 Million Tonnes of cargo during
Typhoon Yagi, the 14th this year, made landfall at around 11:35 p.m. Sunday in Wenling County, east China’s Zhejiang Province,
A smoldering fire erupted in a consignment of 5,000 tonnes of nickel oxide in a warehouse at the Port of
Santos is pleased to announce a fourth rig, the Ensign 965, has started operations in the Cooper Basin, as the
American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) has urged key House and Senate appropriators to adequately fund the US Army Corps
Vietnam’s Ministry of Industry and Trade will respond to a request from the Nghi Son oil refinery to export fuels
Monetization of heavy oil discovered from the oldest sedimentary rock of Rajasthan now seems a reality with trials for producing
• Net profit after tax of $27.0 million up from loss of $12.3 million • Significant items of $17.2 million including
Texas issued a total of 1,153 original drilling permits in July, compared to 1,011 in July 2017, according to the
Somaliland – a country in the horn of Africa – has become a hotspot in oil and gas exploration activities
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