AccountantsWorld Daily News
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Tax Consequences of Settlement and Litigation Award Payments: Determining the Correct Treatment
(CPA Journal) - When an individual receives a settlement or litigation award payment, the likely first question is whether the payment is taxable. While CPAs may know that the answer will depend upon the claim underlying the lawsuit, several other questions can arise...
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The Cloud Beyond SaaS: What IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) Means for Accounting Firms
(CPA Practice Advisor) - Phrases such as "Cloud Computing" and "Moving to the Cloud" have been a consistent part of the conversation around IT strategy in the accounting profession for a number of years.
AICPA Wants IRS to Reconsider Tax Transcript Changes
(Accounting Today) - The American Institute of CPAs is asking the Internal Revenue Service to rethink its proposed changes to the tax transcript process, contending they would delay the process of getting copies of old tax returns for clients.
Free Online CPE Conference for CPAs and EAs - Dec. 6
(CPA Practice Advisor) - Join dozens of nationally recognized speakers and thousands of your peers for this unique conference that brings outstanding educational opportunities to you in an interactive environment...
Cyber Monday Sales: 3 Dirty Little Secrets
(CNET) - What's in a name? Not much, when it comes to the difference between Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales.

Parks and Rec Accounting Jokes