Top stories in higher ed for Thursday
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Lumina Foundation is committed to increasing the proportion of Americans with high-quality degrees, certificates and other credentials to 60 percent by 2025.
August 6, 2020
What Should College-Admissions Reform Look Like? Researchers Share New Ideas
Eric Hoover, The Chronicle of Higher Education
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Last fall, more than 100 admissions leaders, policy makers, and researchers gathered in Washington, D.C., to discuss the system that just about everyone thinks is broken but no one is quite sure how to fix. 

Those discussions later inspired eight new research briefs designed to answer the big question: How can the college admissions process better serve low-income, first-generation, and underrepresented minority students?

For Stopout Students, Texas State Pins Hopes on New Data-Fueled Partnership
Colin Wood, EdScoop
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Students who stopped short of earning their degrees at Texas State University may soon receive a personalized phone call or text encouraging them to re-enroll.

The university recently announced a three-year partnership with ReUp Education, a company that uses predictive analytics to help higher education institutions contact students who quit college and coach them to degree completion.

Getting a College Degree Was Their Dream. Then Their School Suddenly Closed
Erin Einhorn, The Hechinger Report/NBC News
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Students pay the ultimate price when a college abruptly closes its doors. Just ask Michael Stone. Stone was about to begin his senior year at Marygrove College when he learned of the school's plans to end its undergraduate programs.

Now, because of the coronavirus pandemic, many more students could soon experience the pain that hit Detroit’s Marygrove College community.

COVID Era Brings New Challenges for College Retention
Jeffrey R. Young, EdSurge Podcast
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Marjorie Blen had nearly finished her associate’s degree at the City College of San Francisco when the pandemic hit. Suddenly, classes moved to an unfamiliar online format, and her life became full of logistical hardships and financial ones.

In this podcast, Blen talks about her own activism to help other students continue their studies. She is joined by Mordecai I. Brownlee of St. Philip’s College in San Antonio, Texas, who offers insight on what colleges can do to support students during these unprecedented times.

Challenges of the Socially Distanced Classroom
Doug Lederman, Inside Higher Ed
Four Key Questions About the University of Arizona-Ashford University Deal
Goldie Blumenstyk, The Chronicle of Higher Education
Opinion: College in the Age of Corona: Will It Ever Be the Same?
Frederick M. Hess, American Enterprise Institute
Blog: A New Data-Driven Ecosystem
Peter Smith, Rethinking Higher Education
A Crusade Against Terrible Advising
Scott Carlson, The Chronicle of Higher Education
Remembering George Floyd
Lilah Burke, Inside Higher Ed
Pandemic Could Potentially Delay Graduation for Students of Color
Jessica Ruf, Diverse Issues in Higher Education
Opinion: How to Go to College During a Pandemic
Frank Bruni, The New York Times
DACA Student Advocates Worry Amid New Restrictions to the Program
Sara Weissman, Diverse Issues in Higher Education
Assessing Equity in Illinois Higher Education
Illinois Board of Higher Education
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