Top stories in higher ed for Friday
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Lumina Foundation is committed to increasing the proportion of Americans with high-quality degrees, certificates and other credentials to 60 percent by 2025.
July 17, 2020
What College Activists Want
Katherine Mangan and Marc Parry, The Chronicle of Higher Education
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Defunded police. Inclusive coursework. Faculty members who look like them. 

As the COVID-19 pandemic and outrage over police violence converge, college students are demanding radical change. They want Confederate symbols toppled, police departments defunded, coursework diversified, departments restaffed with people of color, and a host of other actions.

Utah Workers Need More Education for Post-Pandemic Economy
Harley Barnes, Utah Public Radio
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As the nation struggles to recover from the economic downturn amid the coronavirus pandemic, workforce experts are calling on Utah and other states to ramp up efforts to ensure that more workers have post-high school education and certificates. 

In a Post-COVID-19 World, the Choice to Regress, Reform, or Reset
Ned Temko, The Christian Science Monitor
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The direction that the post-pandemic world takes—whether we will see a reset or a return to our old ways—will depend largely on governments, businesses, and international organizations. But the landscape in which they will be working has changed. People power, in one form or another, seems here to stay.

The Future of Higher Education
Marty Moss-Coane, WHYY
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Colleges and universities are gearing up for what will be an unusual school year, offering a mix of online and in-person classes. But as coronavirus cases continue to surge in parts of the country, students, faculty, and staff grapple with what a semester on campus might mean for their health and safety and, conversely, what another semester online might mean for learning outcomes.

NPR's Elissa Nadworny and Rebecca Givan of Rutgers University unpack the future of higher education on this episode of Radio Times.

Podcast: A Conversation With Amazon’s Ardine Williams
Ben Wildavsky and Andrew Hanson, Lessons Earned
Why Blockchain in Higher Education?
Laura Ascione, eCampus News
Blog: Does It Hurt or Help Four-Year College Students to Take Community College Courses?
Maggie Fay and Vivian Yuen Ting Liu, The Mixed Methods Blog
Putting Action Behind Words
Greta Anderson, Inside Higher Ed
Four Actions Colleges Can Take to Address Police Brutality
Viviann Anguiano, Center for American Progress
Dip in Student Aid Filings Signals Trouble
Vanessa Miller, Quad-City Times (Iowa)
Will Push to Reopen Threaten Aid?
Kery Murakami, Inside Higher Ed
The Limits of Naming and Shaming in Higher Education
Dominique J. Baker, Brookings Institution
Activism Deferred Among Black American Students
The DeWitt Proctor Institute for Leadership, Equity, and Justice
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