Top stories in higher ed for Friday
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Lumina Foundation is committed to increasing the proportion of Americans with high-quality degrees, certificates and other credentials to 60 percent by 2025.
May 29, 2020
Photo: LA Johnson
Unfinished Business in Higher Education
The EvoLLLution
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For many of today's students, life circumstances prevented them from initially completing a post-high school degree. But that doesn’t mean they won’t strive to finish. Matt Bergman, a faculty member at the University of Louisville, highlights the stories of those who successfully returned to college to complete what they started last year or long ago in his book, "Unfinished Business."

In this interview, Bergman discusses why it's time for colleges and universities to reimagine and embrace new ways of serving adult learners.

Can You Create Learning Communities Online?
Beckie Supiano, The Chronicle of Higher Education
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As part of it reopening plans, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is developing something that was hard to achieve during this spring’s remote instruction: social connection.

Called “Carolina Away,” the initiative will target up to 1,000 students who are unable to return to campus. The plan is to allow them to learn together in high-quality, digital sections of key courses in the general education curriculum, participate in small group experiences, and engage in learning communities that focus on the impact of COVID-19.

Scattered to the Winds, College Students Mourn Lost Semester
Anemona Hartocollis, The New York Times
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Stress and college seem to go hand in hand, but the sudden emptying out of campuses across the United States has increased the anxiety for many students, who find themselves isolated from their peers, packed together with their parents, and full of worry over what the future holds.

Podcast: Why Fewer Teens Are Working Summer Jobs
Marty West, EducationNext
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With the coronavirus drying up many of the traditional summer job options for American high school and college students in restaurants and retail stores and summer camps and swimming pools, many teens will miss out this year on the chance to earn income to help their families put toward college tuition.

They also will lose the opportunity to learn important lessons about the working world.

Virtual Classes as Part of the Norm
Ellie Ashford, Community College Daily
‘Privilege of the Rich’
Lilah Burke, Inside Higher Ed
Exploring Future Models for Independent Colleges
Rick Seltzer, Inside Higher Ed
National Service: A Lifeline for Disconnected Young People
Adria Steinberg and Clare Bertrand, Jobs for the Future
Opinion: Pandemic Reshaping Future for Millions of College Students
Rich Nickel and Richard Daniel, Arizona Capitol Times
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