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SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY Doctrine and Covenants 38:30 | |
"I tell you these things because of your prayers; wherefore, treasure up wisdom in your bosoms, lest the wickedness of men reveal these things unto you by their wickedness, in a manner which shall speak in your ears with a voice louder than that which shall shake the earth; but if ye are prepared ye shall not fear." | |
QUOTE OF THE DAY Spencer W. Kimball | "As we become more affluent and our bank accounts enlarge, there comes a feeling of security, and we feel sometimes that we do not need the supply that has been suggested by the Brethren. . . . We must remember that conditions could change and a year’s supply of basic commodities could be very much appreciated by us or others. So we would do well to listen to what we have been told and to follow it explicitly” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Spencer W. Kimball, p. 118). | |
2006 - LDS Business College moved to its new home in the Triad Center just west of Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah. The move was symbolized with 100 students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends of the College, dressed as pioneers, pulled 15 handcarts full of boxes of books and other materials from the library the several blocks along South Temple to the new location. For More History, Click Here! | |
Question: What challenges did William Holmes Walker face after he had served in the Mormon Battalion? | |
HUMOR - On The Bright Side Do you have a story for the "Bright Side?" We are looking for stories to add to our website that will bring a smile to our face. Please send your stories to [email protected]! | |
Question: What do we learn from Saul’s prompt willingness to change after his conversion? | |
April 2019 Conference Talk Abound with Blessings By Elder Dale G. Renlund Click Here! | |
ARTICLE: Trusting God Sometimes we don’t understand or see the hand of God in our lives as we go about our day to day life. But as we grow older we begin to see and recognize His hand in events of the past. Click Here! | |
DAILY READING SCHEDULE Read the Standard Works of the Church: The Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants/Pearl of Great Price, Old Testament and New Testament, in one year by following our Daily Reading Schedule. Click Here! | |
Copyright 2019 All Rights Reserved Daily Devotional is a service of Latter Day Light and distributed by email via the Latter Day Light Daily Devotional mailing list through Constant Contact. It may also be viewed on or the Latter Day Light facebook page. | |
For all correspondence related to this newsletter, please email us here or through our website. Thanks to our readers! For the second year in a row Latter Day Light Daily Devotional has earned the Constant Contact All Star Award for 2018! This award recognizes our efforts to provide you with the best in content for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! Thanks! | | |
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