The Daily Brief is free. But it takes money, labour and time to produce the journalism you see here. Do consider signing up as a Scroll member if you haven’t already. The Aam Aadmi Party’s demand for 10 seats and opposition from sections of the Congress’ state leadership proved to be the stumbling blocks. Several refugees have completed their jail sentences and want the Indian authorities to hand them over to the United Nations refugee agency. Passengers flying on Indian airlines must pass through a security platform on wheels – a ridiculous relic of Southasian national pride. Participants had mixed opinions on the queer-friendly measures announced by the Centre and asked for diverse representation and more meetings. It marks a significant victory against a British care company and could push other migrant workers to seek legal recourse of exploitative labour practices. The people of South Asia aspire for democracy. How successful can we hope they will be? For years, Ratnabali Kant responded to political, economic and social transformations by synthesising performance and installation. Now she looks back. An excerpt from ‘Tripping Down The Ganga: A Son’s Exploration of Faith’, by Siddharth Kapila. India had won a bronze medal each in open and women’s event at the 2022 Chess Olympiad. Follow the Scroll channel on WhatsApp for a curated selection of the news that matters throughout the day, and a round-up of major developments in India and around the world every evening. What you won’t get: Spam. See this post on web |