Once lauded for levelling the playing field for journalists, Big Tech is now facing criticism from the same community.
The Pasmanda political discourse pushes for the unity of backward and Dalit groups across religious divisions, unlike a simplistic Hindu vs Muslim binary.
The novel both stuns and saddens: the Adivasis’ great confidence in their environment wins your respect, but their vulnerability outside it is hear...
Siddhartha Deb’s novel is led by the urge to remind its reader at every step that everything carries traces of the political-historical-social.
Milan Kundera’s pessimism about human life under totalitarianism is absolute, a no-exit situation. The writer died on July 11 at age 94.
Devaki Nilayangode died on July 6 in Thrissur, Kerala, at the age of 95.
The six-episode Netflix show is led by Suvinder Vicky and Barun Sobti.
The biases of cricket fans are heavily determined by considerations of nation and generation.
India will play seven matches in Germany and Spain ahead of the Asian Games.
Experts say anthropogenic activities like light pollution, infrastructure projects, pesticides, traffic and habitat loss have led to the decline of...
Eight cheetahs have died in less than four months.
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