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Hari Kunzru’s Reckoning With the Far Right

His novel “Red Pill” portrays a liberal’s crisis at the approach of the Trump era.

By Rumaan Alam

The Emptiness of Matthew Yglesias’s Biggest Idea

“One Billion Americans” is a loosely-informed mishmash of policy, held together by anxieties about American power.
By Jacob Bacharach

Susanna Clarke’s Piranesi Is a Hall of Wonders

The follow-up to the bestselling “Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell” is a fraction of its length, but has far more heft.
By Josephine Livingstone

How David Graeber Changed the Way We See Money

The radical anthropologist, who died this week, was that rare figure: a scholar who was also an activist.
By Matthew Zeitlin

The Making of the “Good CIA”

In history and pop culture, a wave of revisionism has subtly cleaned up the agency’s image.
By Greg Barnhisel

The Suburbs Are Still Hell

Two new books by Jason Diamond and Eula Biss expose the fraught moral dilemmas of living in the ’burbs.
By Josephine Livingstone
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