In this issue, March 31, 2020 View it in your browser.

Python NLP Toolkit, Bottlerocket, Git 2.26, CPU Microarchitecture, WebDriverIO, Envoy Mobile, Tesla Virtual Power Plant, Data-Driven Decision Making

State of the JavaScript Landscape: Your Guide to Cutting Through the Clutter

The annual ECMAScript release, ES2020, is approaching with the greatest number of new language features since ES2015, including optional chaining, BigInt, globalThis, nullish coalescing, and dynamic import. All of these features are considered stable with at least two working browser implementations. Read the InfoQ Trends Report.



The Akka 10-Year Anniversary Magazine

Learn about the most relevant concepts of Reactive Programming & Reactive Systems, including building cloud-native services with Akka and Kubernetes. Download the commemorative guide.

Joe Duffy on Infrastructure as Code, Pulumi, and Multi-Cloud

In this podcast, Daniel Bryant sat down with Joe Duffy, founder and CEO at Pulumi, and discussed several infrastructure-themed topics: the evolution of infrastructure as code (IaC), the way in which the open source Pulumi framework allows engineers to write IaC using general purpose programming languages such as JavaScript and Go, and the future of multi-cloud environments. (Podcast)

Panel: Suddenly Distributed - Effective Agility in the Age of Coronavirus

In this special edition of the podcast, made in conjunction with Retrium and the Agile Alliance, we brought together a panel of remote working experts to explore and share experiences around what teams and individuals can do to cope and be effective in the environment where so many people are suddenly forced to work from home and collaborate remotely. (Podcast)

Hands-on overview of what Service-Meshes

Discover how you can manage service-to-service communications in the era of microservices and cloud. Read the service mesh ultimate guide.

QCon Munich (Oct 19-21) is going forward as planned!

We are proud to introduce QCon Munich’s Lead Chair, Susanne Kaiser. She has a background in computer science and experience in software development and architecture for more than 15 years. Join her and share your experiences and common challenges with peers and speakers. Find out more.

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Stanford NLP Group Releases Stanza: A Python NLP Toolkit

  2. Google Announces Beta Launch of Cloud AI Platform Pipelines

What Does It Mean to Be a Data Scientist? Definitions and Lessons Learned from the Trenches

Brian Korzynski discusses what Data Science and Big Data are, focusing on the data preparation that needs to take place, and making a distinction between ML issues and programming. (Presentation)

Big Data Legal Issues. GDPR and Contracts

Anton Tarasiuk discusses the legal issues that can be encountered when dealing with Big Data, GDPR and contracts. (Presentation)



Interpreting Black-Box Machine Learning Models

In this white paper, you will look into classes of ML interpretability and learn major methods used to interpret machine learning models. We will cover the do's and don'ts of: partial dependency plot, permutation importance, SHAP, LIME, anchor. Download now.


  1. Amazon Introduces a New Feature for ElastiCache for Redis: Global Datastore

  2. Amazon Introduces Bottlerocket, a Linux-Based OS for Container Hosting

  3. OVHcloud's Harbor Kubernetes Operator Becomes Part of CNCF’s goharbor Project

  4. Improving Incident Management through Role Assignments and Game Days

  5. NGINX Releases Controller 3.0 with Major Redesign Providing Consolidated Application View

What’s Next in DevOps?

The DevOps movement continues to grow and gain influence in the IT world and the business world at large. As the organisations become increasingly digital, the agility of our IT systems becomes critical to the life and health of the companies. (Article)

Better Continuous Testing in DevOps

Rod Cope discusses a continuous testing approach that fits into the DevOps pipeline, providing a formula for mobile app testing. (Presentation)


  1. Git 2.26 Makes Protocol Version 2 the Default

  2. 3D Printed N95 Masks Not Viable

  3. Google Propeller Squeezes Extra Performance from Large-Scale LLVM Binaries

Understanding CPU Microarchitecture to Increase Performance

Alex Blewitt presents the microarchitecture of modern CPUs, showing how misaligned data can cause cache line false sharing, how branch prediction works and when it fails, and how to read CPU specific performance monitoring counters and use that in conjunction with tools like perf and toplev to discover where bottlenecks in CPU heavy code live. (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 15-17, 2020. Join us!

Quantum Computing Deep Dive

Johnny Hooyberghs introduces Quantum Computing, explaining why it matters, what a qubit and superposition are, what IBM and Microsoft are doing in this area, and some of the algorithms used. (Presentation)

Spring Boot Tutorial: Building Microservices Deployed to Google Cloud

In this tutorial, the reader will get a chance to create a small Spring Boot application, containerize it and deploy it to Google Kubernetes Engine using Skaffold and the Cloud Code IntelliJ plugin. (Article)

Spring Cloud Function: Write Once, Run Anywhere (For Real!)

Oleg Zhurakousky discusses the following Java APIs: Supplier, Function, and Consumer, as well as the Spring Cloud Function framework. (Presentation)

In case you missed it

Mono: from Xamarin to WebAssembly, Blazor, and .NET 5 - Q&A with Miguel de Icaza

Mono started as an open source .NET platform in 2001, being developed by Xamarin until 2011. Since the company's acquisition by Microsoft in 2016, both Mono and .NET Core have been developed in parallel. In the light of the most recent releases, InfoQ interviewed Miguel de Icaza - the original author of the Mono project - to talk about the current state of Mono and its future in the .NET ecosystem. (Article)


  1. WebDriverIO Version 6 Release Adds Native Chrome DevTools Automation Protocol Support

  2. Facebook Introduces Rome Experimental JavaScript Toolchain

  3. Web Components at Scale at Salesforce: Challenges Encountered, Lessons Learnt

  4. Chrome Phasing out Support for User Agent

  5. CSS Writing Modes Now an Official Web Standard

How to Collect Pieces of Data

Pieces, a new JavaScript library I have created, takes these two problems of routing and page transitions and tackles them together. After all, they're both concerned with what happens when the app changes from one view to another. The idea is that the developer creates the individual pages and lets Pieces worry about everything involved in changing between them. (Article)

Pick Your Region: Earth; Cloudflare Workers

Ashley Williams discusses what affects the performance of web applications and how Cloudflare helps with that. (Presentation with transcript included)

Next Generation Client APIs in Envoy Mobile

Jose Nino guides the audience through the journey of Mobile APIs at Lyft. He focuses on how the team has reaped the benefits of API generation to experiment with the network transport layer. He also discusses recent developments the team has made with Envoy Mobile and the roadmap ahead. (Presentation with transcript included)

Reactive Architectures with RSocket and Spring Cloud Gateway

Cora Iberkleid and Spencer Gibb give an overview of the key benefits of RSocket-based networking and introduce the integration of Spring Cloud Gateway with RSocket. (Presentation)

Tesla Virtual Power Plant

Colin Breck and Percy Link explore the evolution of Tesla's Virtual Power Plant (VPP) architecture. A VPP is a network of distributed energy-resources (often solar, wind, batteries) that are aggregated to provide smarter and more flexible power generation, distribution, and availability. Tesla's VPP consists of vertically integrated hardware and software, including both cloud and edge computing. (Presentation with transcript included)

Data-Driven Decision Making – Product Operations with Site Reliability Engineering

The Data-Driven Decision Making Series provides an overview of how the three main activities in the software delivery - Product Management, Development and Operations - can be supported by data-driven decision making. In Operations, SRE’s SLIs and SLOs can be used to steer the reliability of services in production. (Article)

Why Agile Isn't Working and What to Do Instead

Adam Yuret takes a look at Agile through some anti-patterns that manifest themselves when people attempt to be agile, discussing how to mitigate or avoid those pitfalls. (Presentation)



Free Scrum Learning Paths

Continue your professional learning with our free online learning paths. These learning paths are targeted by role including: Scrum Master, Product Owner, Development Team Member and Leadership.

User Stories and How to Build what Your Customers Want

George Wilde shares how to write user stories that get everyone working together to build the things that customers actually want. (Presentation)

Playful Leadership: The Art and Science of Emotions

Portia Tung explores the role of emotions and how they are made, showing the way towards authentic leadership through greater emotional intelligence. (Presentation)

Creating Balance between Product Managers & Engineers

Vidya Nagarajan shares her story from the experience she gained in her 19 years of working in the Tech industry. She talks about the lessons she learned along the way, what she wished she had known and how she used various techniques from her toolkit to keep everything in balance. (Presentation with transcript included)


Latest White Papers

Service Mesh: Adopting a Zero-Trust Approach to Security for Containerized Applications