Today's Headlines
Tuesday, May 05, 2020
A coalition of dozens of pro-life groups have called upon the Food & Drug Administration to investigate websites that are prescribing abortion pills to women online.
He leads one of the largest churches in Greenville, South Carolina, but Pastor John Gray said he doesn’t believe prayer is enough to handle all the problems that can emerge in marriages.
A trans-identified female in England can not be listed as the father of a child to whom she gave birth, an appeals court ruled. 
A Christian man in the Plateau state of Nigeria was hospitalized after he and his wife were ambushed by a group of four suspected Fulani herdsmen late last month.
We recently had the chance to interview our Honorary National Chairman and former Governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee, to discuss the novel coronavirus’s economic and political implications, the upcoming 2020 elections and the importance of bringing faith to the voting booth.
I convened a number of highly esteemed church leaders in a webinar to explore the path to moving forward after COVID-19.

100 Years of Service at Indiana Wesleyan University

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Humble beginnings.

That’s where we started 100 years ago, when we were known as Marion College.

For an entire century, Indiana Wesleyan University has been committed to serving all kinds of people through education. Originally, our founders needed an institution that would train and develop great ministry leaders, but they quickly realized ministry could happen in any context, even careers in the marketplace. So they resolved to keep Christ at the center—even in training teachers and social workers and musicians—and strive to create the best academic institution possible.

The university was challenged from the start. After opening its doors in 1920, the Great Depression began a few years later, followed by war. Finances and resources were limited. Faculty, staff, and students stayed afloat with creative solutions and held tightly to prayer. Many Christian institutions at the time were in danger of being lost in the struggle of the conflict.

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But we would rise out of hard times.

In the years that followed, the university survived and even thrived, resulting in a generous family of supporters fiercely loyal to the institution. The local community also rallied around the school it was so proud to call its own.

The impact of IWU, even in early days, was evident. In fact, nearly half of the teachers in the local school system were graduates of Marion College in 1949. Our academic programs have certainly diversified, with more than 150 degree programs available today. Teacher education has been offered since 1920... Read More

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