Protect your organization from costly mistake by getting familiar with the rules surrounding infringement.
| When it comes to ownership and fair use, the World Wide Web can feel like the wild, wild west. Are others using your content improperly? Are you complying with copyright law? Relax—we’ve got you covered. The 2019 Copyright Webinar takes place Thursday, July 11 from 1–2:15 Central time to help your organization avoid infringement and stay focused on its goals. The session is led by Mary Jo Courchesne, owner and principal rights consultant at Gryphon Publishing Consulting LLC. Courchesne has spent 18 years studying and working with copyright licensing and permissions. Attendees will learn: What is and isn’t copyright protected What “fair use” means How you can use memes and GIFs without violating others’ rights How to address copyright in social media And more Participants will receive all presentations and handouts, as well as an on-demand recording of the event after the fact. |
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