June 7, 2021
Dear Valued Reader,

Apologies to those who tried to read today's article on a mobile device and found the fomatting broken -- we've corrected the error, and the links below should now work and provide a legible article.  Thanks for your patience!

Turning the wheel over to Doc Gumshoe, for an update he sent to me a little while ago and that I've been late in posting for you -- he's got it all for you this time... thoughts on the CDC's mask recommendations, a couple Alzheimer's Disease drugs (coincidentally, on the day that the controversial aducanumab was approved), a fascinating microcap cancer story suggested by a reader -- what's not to like?  Just click below for Michael's latest...

Most options traders place high-risk trades, hoping for a big payout. But they lose... a LOT! Especially in today’s topsy-turvy market. That's why Jim Fink flips options trading on its head, making money more than 85% of the time. Now, he's offering to show his personal strategy guide to readers which could help you unlock as much as $67,548 in extra income.

Get your copy by clicking here now.


Miss anything in the wild world of Stock Gumshoe last week?  Let's catch you up...

The most-requested story was our solution to another "Alzheimer's Cure" tease -- this time Ray Blanco pitching a treatment for "Plaque Magnets" that he thinks will make us rich... what's the stock?  Just click here for that story.

And IPOs and Pre-IPOs continue to be hugely appealing to investors, which means that the newsletters keep pitching those ideas... and you keep asking yours truly for answers.  Happy to oblige... this time, it's Andy Snyder teasing his "#1 Pre-IPO Investment" for this year in ads for his Venture Fortunes... my take, and the Thinkolator answers?  Just a click away.

And in last week's Friday File for the Irregulars I jumped right in to one of my favorite asset classes, royalty companies, including a number of updated thoughts and two new buys in this space (as well as a couple add-on purchases)... details below...

Stock Gumshoe | [email protected] | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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