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Celebs Entertainment Party Pics Style Diets Life Travel Competitions
1 Local News
COVID-19 update: Thursday, March 12
UAE cases and WHO statements
2 Local News
India has suspended all visas until April 15
Those who have been planning to travel to India will have to postpone their travel
3 Local News
Ministry of Education slams rumours of plans to end the academic year early
Rumours have been circulating on social media
4 Local News
Dubai's sky pod routes have been shared
RTA shares potential routes the sky pods will take in the near future
5 Local News
IKEA is opening ANOTHER UAE location
Because you can never have too many IKEAs right?
6 Local News
Is Dubai World Cup 2020 still happening?
What we know so far
WIN! a day of pampering at the glorious Talise Ottoman Spa
A day of pampering at the glorious Talise Ottoman Spa
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