Investing in Cloud Skills; Avoiding Vendor Lock-in; Path Between Policy and Innovation

InformationWeek Cloud
January 16, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Combat Inflation by Consolidating Your Cloud Services
Cloud costs have grown in recent years, and IT leaders are unsure how to handle the strain. Consolidating cloud services is a good place to start.

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Moving to the Cloud? Invest in Your People With These Steps

Companies focused on digital transformation can side-step the cloud skills shortage by looking within their company to develop existing staff.
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The Best Ways to Avoid Vendor Lock-In

Being a captive customer has its bad points and its very bad points. Learn how not to become a high-tech hostage.
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CES 2023 Explored Tricky Path Between Policy and Innovation

Discussions on cybersecurity, privacy, and technology competition brought politicos back to the tech trade show’s stage.
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
How Organizations Should Respond to the CircleCI Security Incident
CircleCI customers must rotate any secrets stored in its platform and replace Project API tokens to protect against problems from the company's recent security incident. Here's how to follow the guidance and prepare for the future security incidents in software development environments. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
ChatGPT: An Author Without Ethics
If you're offended by AI-generated content, who should you blame? That's just one of many questions surrounding ChatGPT. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Structured Data Management for Discovery and Insight
When structured data is truly connected and integrated, the quality of that data is better, enabling leaders to make better decisions for their organizations. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Whatever Happened to the Workforce of Tomorrow?
Coding boot camps, engineering campuses, and online tech courses have been available for years, yet the struggle to match tech jobs with candidates continues. Read More
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