ICYMI: We now have a path forward to restore Net Neutrality.
The Save The Internet Act would restore the protections Trump’s FCC destroyed and safeguard internet users from discrimination from companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon. But the cable and phone companies are pushing alternate bills to try and confuse members of Congress — and those bills would allow the big ISPs to violate our rights online.
Thanks to activists like you, Net Neutrality has remained a critical issue in an era of endless critical issues. We need lawmakers to get this right. Urge members of Congress to support real Net Neutrality and pass the Save The Internet Act.
The open internet has been a transformative force for people of color and other marginalized communities looking to tell their own stories, organize for justice and launch and grow businesses on their own terms. And that’s a threat to the media and tech companies that wield massive economic power in our society.
Our communities rely on a free and open internet, which means Net Neutrality can’t wait. Tell Congress: Restore Net Neutrality. Pass the Save The Internet Act.
Thanks for all that you do—
Heather, Candace and the rest of the Free Press Action team
P.S. This Congress can take bold action to keep cable and phone companies in check. Tell your elected officials to support the Save The Internet Act.  |