1. Master & Dynamics’ first wireless speaker is a 35-pound block of concrete |
By Dan Seifert, Circuit Breaker |
Master & Dynamic has made a name for itself with headphones that combine style, premium materials, and good sound. For its first wireless speaker, the company is going all in on style. Thirty-five pounds worth, to be exact. More» |
Why This Matters: Gorgeous yes, portable no. And it really is housed in concrete molding. Here’s more on how M&D developed their own concrete. –Cynthia Wisehart |
2. SketchAR lets you trace drawings with your phone |
By Dami Lee, The Verge |
SketchAR is the latest iteration of the augmented reality drawing concept that hit the App Store yesterday, and will soon be coming to Android Tango and Microsoft HoloLens. It works by laying out a virtual image on the paper you’ll be drawing on, which is displayed on your phone screen. More» |
Why This Matters: This is…well, sketchy. But interesting. It could be a useful way to capture a napkin drawing or other informational sketch and send it to someone or share it in a video conference. The story includes a video and illustrations to help clarify how it’s used. -Cynthia Wisehart |
3. Forgotten audio formats: The flexi disc |
By Phil Strongman, ArsTechnica |
The flexi disc has, for a physically flimsy format an incredibly diverse background, and its story incorporates everyone from the Beatles, David Bowe, and ABBA, to Alice Cooper and heavy metal. More» |
Why This Matters: Great retro recap of life through the groove of the flexi disc. –Cynthia Wisehart |