Southeast Farm Press Daily
John McCurry A number of professional baseball athletes have migrated onto the farm. | |
Tom J. Bechman Expert explains how beefing up your early residual herbicide program can lead to more efficient weed control. | Sarah McNaughton-Peterson, Curt Arens FP Next: Ep. 5: Deep dive with us as Montana farmer Mitch Konen shares all things barley (and beer) production. | |
Equipment / Sorghum Focus |
Andy Castillo The SB.1436DB offers an electronic monitoring and control system that automates baling processes for consistent bale density, weight and dimensions. | John Duff Sorghum Focus: Ethanol provides steady value-added outlet for U.S. growers. | |
Spray drift / Around Farm Progress |
Dwight Lingenfelter Talkin Weeds: Reducing spray drift is easier said than done, but in many cases, it involves using common sense. | |
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