Odds are, you just might have enough savings now to generate up to $8,000 in monthly income, from the US stock market. 100% legally, ethically, using a simple approach. My name is Dave Aquino. You might have seen me on major media like Bloomberg and Fox Business. I've been a Wall Street insider having worked at Vanguard and Merrill-Lynch. During my career, I've seen a lot of approaches to generate income from the market. Approaches that a lot of smarmy Wall Street bossmen hope you never find out about. Because if you do, they can't get richer. I'm not part of that world anymore. Since then, I've selectively shared this approach with others. Some of whom report: "I've taken control of my financial future and have become completely independent of the 9-5-day job grind forever!" –Ariel R. "Thanks again from an old, retired person that has finally found a much needed income stream." –Gene S. It's a shame you haven't heard about this income approach. It's accessible through your brokerage account. And in my opinion, as someone who's been in the markets 25 years, this is the best way for cautious investors to collect income. But the higher ups don't seem to want you in on it. I'm changing that. Since there's so much income inequality, I've posted an exciting video that shows how to collect payouts. See instructions here Sincerely, |