The headline conveys the thesis quite well when it comes to the New Residential Sales data just released by the Census Bureau. July's total fell to a seasonally-adjusted annual pace of 511k, down from 585k last month and well below the median forecast of 575k.  This is the slowest pace of sales since early 2016. Sales are divided into 4 areas of the country.  The South added 342k of the 511k while the West added 98k.  Both were down more than 12% month over month--more than enough to tank the national number.  Incidentally, the Midwest's 54k contribution was more than 20% lower while the Northeast improved 13.3% with a 17k unit annual pace. Put 'em together and whaddaya got? Ouch.   Notably, this is NEW home sales--not to be confused with Existing Home Sales, which comprise a far bigger portion of the market (although they've also tanked).   Price shifts are getting interesting as well.  In outright terms, things still look boomy. Even when we calculate the year-over-year percent change, prices are still rising, but the pace of appreciation is now moving decisively lower, back into a range that had at least been a part of reality during the past two price booms. The chart above is a bit "busy."  We can smooth it out by applying a 4-month moving average. One thing to keep in mind on the price metrics in New and Existing home sales data is that they are not adjusted with the same apples to apples approach found in the housing market's most widely followed price indices.  For example, if builders are focusing on smaller homes, that could create some additional downward pressure on median prices.
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August 23, 2022
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Housing News
The headline conveys the thesis quite well when it comes to the New Residential Sales data just released by the Census Bureau. July's total fell to a seasonally-adjusted annual pace of 511k, down from 585k last month and well below the median forecas... (read more)
Mortgage Rate Watch
Today's mortgage rates are roughly in line with yesterday's for the average lender.  Some are in better shape while others are slightly worse off depending on yesterday's late-day changes. This refers to the occasional necessity for a mortgage ... (read more)
MBS Commentary
Fun While it Lasted: Bonds Give Up Data-Inspired Gains Bonds started out weaker early this morning but were able to make gains after weaker economic data at 9:45am and 10:00am.  Prices were almost a quar... (read more)
Rob Chrisman
Mortgage rates dropped after mid-June. Momentarily switching gears, given their role in cakes, breakfasts, custards, and breads, if eggs didn’t exist, would a food scientist have to had invented them? I mention this because the benchmark price of egg... (read more)
Mortgage Rates
MBS / Treasuries