Trump's executive order to begin eliminating the Clean Power Plan is already in motion! Help save our climate in crisis with your monthly donation now.
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Trump's executive order to begin the process of eliminating the Clean Power Plan is already in motion! Help save our climate in crisis with your monthly donation now.

Trump to begin eliminating Clean Power Plan:

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Help us fight back in the courts and mobilize our grassroots to save our climate.

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Insulated Cooler Tote

Dear voornaam -

In another staggering giveaway to his Dirty Coal cronies, Donald Trump issued an executive order last week to begin the process of eliminating the Clean Power Plan.

For them, Money Trumps Lives.

We cannot rest while Trump lets billionaire fossil fuel companies get rich by spewing asthma-inducing toxins into the air our kids breathe.

Make no mistake, Trump can't just erase the Clean Power Plan with the stroke of a pen. The Sierra Club is already working around the clock to fight back -- we will fight Trump in the courts, in the streets, and at the state and local level across the nation, mobilizing grassroots power to make it clear that Americans want clean energy and climate progress. But we need 500 more monthly donors to do it: Please, be one of them with your gift now.

Click here now to make your EMERGENCY monthly gift to the Sierra Club so we can defend the Clean Power Plan in the courts and in the states.

Become a monthly donor today and we'll send our exclusive Insulated Cooler Tote bag -- FREE.

This isn't our first rodeo against Big Coal. Our Beyond Coal Campaign has retired almost 250 coal-burning power plants just since 2010. Our Ready for 100% Campaign is moving cities across the country to 100% clean energy.

We're not about to lose all the progress we've made. We have a responsibility to preserve clean air and water for our children and grandchildren, and we will -- by fighting Trump in the courts and mobilizing our 2.7 million Sierra Club champions to flood phone lines, picket congressional offices and pack town halls.

We're united and determined, but Trump's fossil fuel donors and cabinet buddies know that clean energy incentives undermine their ability to pollute without limits as they continue to receive billions more in taxpayer subsidies. And we're 500 short of the monthly donors we need to put this crisis campaign into action. PLEASE rush your monthly donation to the Sierra Club now.


Michael Brune

Michael Brune
Executive Director
Sierra Club

P.S. -- If you've recently become a monthly donor, THANK YOU, we're still processing donations.

Trump Photo by Gage Skidmore/CC BY-SA 2.0. Modified from original

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