Announcements LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT ASSOCIATION OF B.C. Notice of Awards Nomination The Local Government Compliance & Enforcement Association of British Columbia (LGCEA) is proud to recognize outstanding professionals in the field through the following awards, presented annually at the conference: Officer of the Year Career Achievement Award Leadership and Valour in the Profession These awards celebrate individuals who exemplify excellence, dedication, and leadership in local government compliance and enforcement. You and your organization are invited to consider submitting a nomination to honor a deserving professional. Nomination Process To nominate an individual, please submit a letter detailing why they should receive the award based on the established criteria. Any staff member, elected official, agent, or contractor working with a local government in British Columbia is eligible to submit a nomination. Please note: Self-nominations and nominations for LGCEA Executive members will not be accepted. The Awards Committee consists of members of the LGCEA Executive and local government lawyer Troy DeSouza of Dominion GovLaw LLP. Submission Details Nomination letters should be emailed to: LGCEA Secretary – [email protected] BC COMMUNITIES IN BLOOM BC Communities in Bloom – 20 Years of Growing Great Places Together BC Communities in Bloom is celebrating its 20-year milestone by awarding a tree to all registered municipalities - generously donated by Specimen Trees Wholesale Nursery. Over the years, BC Communities in Bloom has played a pivotal role in enhancing the liveability of towns and cities. The program encourages municipalities to strive for excellence in horticulture, heritage conservation, and environmental practices. The recognition and feedback provided by the judging panel are invaluable in guiding future projects and initiatives. Join BC Communities in Blook in celebrating the profound impact of the program. Evaluated Registration closes April 25th. Smaller community groups or clubs are encouraged to participate with a Community Showcase. BC COMMUNITIES IN BLOOM Provincial Society was formed to administrate the Provincial Edition of the National Communities in Bloom Program. for more information. Check out the ‘Past Participants’ to see if your community was ever ‘in Bloom’. |