For English: Scroll to bottom CISUs opslagstavle PÃ¥ findes medlemsorganisationernes digitale opslagstavle med med relevans for andre organisationer. Det kan være pressemeddelelser, information om arrangementer eller lignende. Lige nu kan man læse om: MMCC Global søger Sekretariatsleder CISUs budgetforvaltning efterlader medlemmer uden reel adgang til puljer Det er en unik dansk model for partnerskaber â glem den ikke i finansloven UdviklingsomrÃ¥det mister sin minister PÃ¥ opslagstavlen kan alle medlemsorganisationer slÃ¥ relevante beskeder op.Det er en unik dansk model for partnerskaber â glem den ikke i finansloven |
Man kan læse om fordelene ved at være medlem af CISU her. Fordelene spænder bredt fra kapacitetsopbygning til gratis adgang til Altinget. Man behøver ikke være medlem af CISU for at søge CISUs puljer - men det hjælper indimellem. Man kan nemlig også få rådgivning og sparring i forbindelse med ansøgninger. |
Kommende arrangementer hos CISU |
Disclaimer: This translation has been generated by AI. Good morning, dear reader Here comes another newsletter from CISU. Compared to the latest newsletter, which featured both fantastic and terrible news, this edition is a bit more low-key. But after all, some of us appreciate the everyday moments and can enjoy a more subdued version. And even in everyday life, we can find celebrations. This time, for example, you can read about CISUâs anniversary, which will be celebrated throughout the year. Happy reading! Kim Jensen CISU Turns 30 For 30 years, CISU has worked to strengthen the role of civil society in international development. The anniversary will be celebrated throughout 2025 with a series of events, competitions, and stories highlighting the past, present, and future of civil society's efforts worldwide. The first major anniversary event will take place on February 28 at Villa Kultur in Copenhagen. Speakers from Denmark and abroad will share their experiences and perspectives on the global role of civil society. Among the speakers are: ð¹ Nana Afadzinu (WASCI, Ghana) â on local leadership and global collaboration ð¹ Lucia Ortiz (Friends of the Earth, Brazil) â on the climate struggle and the role of civil society in the Global South ð¹ Danish civil society organizations â on their experiences and role in a global context Participation is free, and there will be opportunities to network in an informal setting with a bar and discussions about the future of civil society. Send a Video Greeting to CISU Throughout the year, CISU will share video greetings, and everyone is invited to contribute. Organizations, partners, and individuals can share their experiences, wishes, and thoughts on CISUâs work and the future of civil society. You can read more about the anniversary and see how to send a video greeting at Updated Guidelines for the Neighborhood Fund The guidelines for the Neighborhood Fund have been updated based on experiences from its first year. The new guidelines create better opportunities to address the specific conditions in the eastern neighboring countriesâespecially in conflict-affected areas. The changes include a greater emphasis on resilience-building among vulnerable groups and the possibility of a higher proportion of strategic deliveries. At the same time, the requirements for sustainability and advocacy have been reduced. Additionally, the new guidelines allow for initiatives that collaborate with authorities to improve service delivery to vulnerable groups to receive support. As part of the update, the support formats for the Neighborhood Fund have also been streamlined with the project support formats in the Civil Society Fund. The updated guidelines and application formats can be found on CISUâs website: DERF is Looking for a New Member for the Grants Committee The Grants Committee for the Danish Emergency Relief Fund (DERF) is seeking a new member starting in March 2025. The new member must have experience in humanitarian work and represent a civil society organization or institution that is not eligible to apply for funding. This typically means an SPA organization or similar. The committee makes decisions on humanitarian grants and meets twice a year for calibration meetings. The workload is estimated at 80-100 hours annually and is compensated with DKK 12,500 per quarter. Interested organizations can nominate a candidate. Read more about the criteria and process on CISUâs website.; Nominate a Candidate for the Initiative Award Each year, CISUâs board presents the Initiative Award to an organization that has made a special effort to inspire or mobilize people in Denmark. The award is presented at CISUâs General Assembly in April, and the board selects the recipient from the nominations submitted via no later than February 25. New this year, the award can also be given to fundraising campaigns that not only raise funds but also contribute to public awareness efforts. The award includes a statuette created by Jens Galschiøt and a prize of 25,000 DKK, which can be used to support the organizationâs public engagement work. In 2024, the award went to Rapolitics. |
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