Disclaimer: This translation has been generated by AI. Dear Reader Here comes another newsletter from CISU. In this edition, we can share that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has now given its approval, and there are changes to some application procedures for the OpEn Fund. If that feels a bit too technical for heading into the weekend, you can skip ahead to a podcast recorded at a Christmas market and come back to the other news later. Theyâll still be here on Monday. Happy reading and have a great weekend Kim Jensen Guidelines Approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs In 2024, CISU has been working on a reform of the Civil Society Fund, and the work on creating the guidelines is now almost complete. - We have listened to our member organizations along the way and incorporated their input into the guidelines that frame the Civil Society Fund. A draft of the guidelines has been submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for approval, and they have now approved them, says Nicolai Houe, Head of Capacity Development at CISU. On https://cisu.dk/puljer/, you can navigate to the Civil Society Fund 2025 and from there to formats for projects and small programs. - We are still working on finalizing the last formats, so there will be some materials uploaded to the website as soon as they are ready, he continues. In connection with the reform of the Civil Society Fund, new deadlines have been set for the various modalities: Project Support â small and large projects: Deadlines on January 29, June 11, and November 5. Small Programs: March 5 and September 10. Intermediate and Large Programs: Expression of Interest deadline on December 2, 2024. Application deadline on March 26, 2025. The Neighbourhood Fund follows the same dates as projects and small programs. There are still details to be finalized, but Nicolai Houe is very pleased with the new structure of the Civil Society Fund. - We hope that the reform has provided a solid foundation for strengthened partnerships based on the priorities and strategies of local organizations and that the reform further enhances the ambition of the Civil Society Fund. Namely, to support the development of relevant and active civil society organizations, he says. The Agricultural Network Looks at Organizing Target Groups On January 21, CISU's Agricultural Network will take a closer look at how to organize target groups within agriculture and food production. The meeting is relevant for organizations working with both formal and informal forms of organization. The program is still under development but is expected to look something like this: 15:00: Welcome and introduction to the meeting framework. 15:15: Brief introduction to group organization. 15:30: Four presentations sharing experiences from both international and local projects: VedvarendeEnergi, Jan-Peter Feil â Sharing experiences from Mozambique. Dairy Without Borders, Isabel Sande Frandsen â Sharing experiences with cooperative organization from Nepal, Tanzania, and Mongolia. Organic Denmark, Sigrid Soelberg Vestergaard â Sharing experiences with organizing Farmer Family Learning Groups from Uganda and Tanzania. Senior Without Borders, Per Hartmann â Sharing experiences from the Danida program in Nepal. 17:00: Panel discussion and facilitated exchange of experiences. 17:45: Closing remarks. 18:00: Sandwiches and opportunity for informal networking. Read more and register via this link Join Us at Folkemødet Folkemødet 2025 will take place from June 12 to 14. While it might seem far away, now is a good time to consider your participation and perhaps even book your ferry ticket. CISU and Levende Hav have already signed up, and interested member organizations can now register for the information meeting on January 22.
If youâd like to revisit past events, you can find the podcast 'Folkemøde pÃ¥ Kutter Anton' on most podcast platforms or listen directly in your browser at the bottom of the page on cisu.dk/fm Medlemsmøde om udviklingspolitisk strategi Mandag den 16. december inviterer CISU til et online medlemsmøde, hvor man kan blive klogere pÃ¥, hvordan man kan spille ind i Danmarks kommende udviklingspolitiske strategi. PÃ¥ mødet vil der være oplæg, som giver indsigt i den igangværende proces og inviterer til dialog omkring medlemsorganisationers bidrag til strategien. Det er foreløbig planlagt at afholde tre online-møder henover perioden, hvor der forventes, at der arbejdes pÃ¥ strategien. Derudover afholdes et større fysisk event, hvor der er lagt op til deltagelse fra alle medlemsorganisationer og ikke mindst udviklingsordførerne og andre centrale aktører. 100% Christmas Spirit in Your Ears In the profile series 'Part of CISU,' featured in CISU's podcast 'CISU Between the Ears,' the latest episode highlights the member organization 100% for the Children. Podcast host Kim Jensen meets the organization and some child reporters at a Christmas market at Bernstorff Castle. Listeners can learn about how organizations can collaborate with like-minded partners and what the children have gained from their visit to Kenya. Find the podcast through this link New Application Date and Changes for Communication Grants OpEn - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Awareness and Engagement Fund has updated the procedures for communication grants. Starting in 2025, there will only be one application round annually, on February 5, with a total pool of two million DKK and a maximum application limit of four million DKK. The changes also include new restrictions on partner participation and a requirement for grant recipients to attend an online kickoff seminar. Additional information and guidelines are available through the fund's updated guidelines and application format. Read the full news here |