Inspiring the Evolution of Embedded Design

September 19, 2023

IoT: Connecting the Dots for a Smarter World 🌍

Dusun Introduces DSGW-290 IoT Edge Computing Gateway Specially Designed for IoT Hardware Developers

Dusun has introduced a highly versatile smart home mini PC – DSGW-290 smart home hub, featuring exceptional multimedia processing capabilities suitable for both home and office media centers and entertainment purposes. 

The DSGW-290 distinguishes itself as nearly pure computer hardware, offering developers the flexibility to customize firmware logic from the ground up. Running on a Linux-based operating system, the DSGW-290 empowers developers to craft their own applications and user interface interfaces. 

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Saelig Debuts Economical 12-bit Rigol DHO800/900 Oscilloscope Series

Rigol's newest high-performance 12 bit economical digital oscilloscopes are portable and offer high-resolution, a capture rate up to 1,000,000 wfms/s, up to 50 Mpts memory depth, and an ultra-low noise floor that allows the detection of even small signal details.

Affordably priced, these scopes provide auto serial and parallel bus analysis, Bode plot analysis, and many other functions needed for today’s test demands in R&D, education, and scientific research.

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Marelli Presents New Smart Actuators for Transmission and Thermal Management In Electric Vehicles

Marelli’s new smart actuators include an electronic module that autonomously controls the actuator itself and connects it to the vehicle electronic network.

The device has a flexible, modular and scalable mechanical design to fit complex vehicle electronics and transmission configurations, and a software management designed for easy integration.

The overall solution allows simple customization and installation within the vehicle, has a super compact size and light weight, features on board diagnostics and is cyber security ready.

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Editor's Desk by Kirsten Campbell

Unlocking the Potential of Edge Computing, Oscilloscopes, and Smart Actuators in IoT

When it comes to the IoT revolution, edge computing, oscilloscopes, and smart actuators are key elements.

Edge computing brings data processing and analysis closer to the data source, to reduce latency and enhance real-time decision-making. This empowers IoT devices to respond instantly to critical events.

Oscilloscopes allow engineers to debug, troubleshoot and validate IoT devices to ensure data integrity.

Smart actuators bring IoT applications to life in the physical world. Without actuators, devices like smart thermostats would lack the capabilities to make decisions and execute tasks.

Together, edge computing harnesses the power of data, oscilloscopes illuminate the path to perfection, and smart actuators bring IoT systems to life. With their collective potential, we're creating a smarter, more responsive world.

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Romeo ESP32-S3 Dev kit targets robotic applications

DFRobot recently launched a small development board designed for robotics and FPV applications. The ESP32-based device supports both 2WD and 4WD robots and offers multiple peripherals to add sensors and other actuators.

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September 2023 - Issue #398

MCU Development Tools

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