Inspiring the Evolution of Embedded Design

March 28, 2023

Embedded Boards

TIs Latestest SoC IoT Gateway is Aimed at Object and Gesture Recognition

Texas Instruments has launched a System-on-Chip (SoC) for the Internet of Things (IoT) gateway carrying an Arm Cortex-A53 for object and gesture recognition.

The AM62x Sitara MPU is a low-cost family of processors that are built specifically for Linux application development. They use a scalable Arm Cortex-A53 core that carries a higher level of performance and many embedded features.

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The Orange Pi 5B is Unveiled With a Low Price Tag

The Orange Pi 5B is unveiled with a low price tag. Just two days ago Orange Pi released their latest single board computer (SBC) the Orange Pi 5B to meet the demand of the marketplace. The SBC is expected to be quite popular, holding its own against the likes of Raspberry PI and BeagleBone Black with similar features.

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The CL-SOM-iMX8Plus from Compulab Runs an NXP processor and has SO-DIMM Form Factor

The CL-SOM-iMX8Plus from Compulab runs an NXP Processor and has a SO-DIMM form factor. One of the more recent releases from Compulab is a SO-DIMM System-on-Module carrying an NXP i.MX8M-Plus System-on-Chip family.

The unit runs a at high-performance level with a powerful GPU and strong connectivity options. The company has reported that the application use cases include Industrial HMI, image processing, IoT gateways, building control, and medical devices.

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Voltage Regulators

Many circuits will need a voltage regulator between the power supply and the electronics. In this article, Stuart breaks down the two broad types of voltage regulators: linear and switching.

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Editor's Desk by Stephen Vicinanza

The Embedded Boards of the Future are Here

This week Circuit Cellar aficionados we see the future rising in embedded boards.

The Embedded World event in Germany has garnered some major players going far out of their way to say AI is the ticket to the future.

It's not only ChatGPT but object and gesture recognition. Generative AI Large Language Models are all the rage, but in industry, especially in automotive, there is huge growth in AI.

The way it is looking now that growth will not slow for many years to come. We don't hear about the industry as much as we do consumer-facing products, and there are reasons for that. That being said, SoCs, SoMs, and SBCs have a huge market share as more and more of us take to the embedded landscape to design games and run multimedia.

As we grow, we move into new technologies never seen before, especially as people take up the mantle of users of AI.

In the new year we will be asking for opinions, what would you like to see, more editorial or less, more of a particular topic, or less? Let us know. Reach out to the Product Editor

Latest News

HackerBox leverages dual ESP32 dev boards

HackerBox is a monthly subscription that combines and delivers various dev kits aimed at hobbyists and students. This month’s HackerBox is based on the platform and it features two ESP32-WROOM-32U modules, one GSM modem, a MicroSD card, an OLED display and many other components.

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April 2023 - Issue #393


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