Strategic CIO
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 July 06, 2016


10 IT Hiring Plans For Second Half Of 2016
While CIOs say they expect to see a slight dip in IT hiring plans for the last six months of this year, according to resent survey results, one tech recruiter says the outlook appears positive. Here's a closer look at CIO hiring plans for the remaining months of 2016, including layoffs, the most in-demand IT skills, and the hottest regions.
The New IT: Driving Business Innovation With Tech
Andi Mann, chief technology advocate at Splunk, sees major changes afoot in how IT and business are aligning. Here, he shares experiences with CIOs and other IT leaders as they work on developing strategies to derive real business outcomes from the technology they use every day.
From Tech Support to CEO: Why Niche Matters More Than Gender
Sarah Lahav, CEO of SysAid Technologies, took the first steps on her path toward leadership as a member of the Israeli Defense Forces. Here, she shares her experiences rising through the ranks in tech, and offers advice about cornering your niche and treating it like the most important job you will ever have.
Brexit Threatens London's Data Center Market
The future of the UK, and specifically of London, as the leading market for data centers in Europe could be affected by Brexit, according to an analysis by 451 Research. However, the split could also provide opportunities for the US.
Data Generation Gap: Younger IT Workers Believe The Hype
There's a growing generation gap when it comes the promise of revenues from data-driven projects. Where younger workers see the future, older workers may only see another cycle of tech hype.





10 Programming Languages And Tools Data Scientists Use Now
Looking to get started with data science but not sure how to get started? Take a look at our list of 10 programming languages and tools that are hot among data scientists and data analysts right now.

10 Hot Smartphones To Consider Now
Although smartphone sales have been on the decline recently, there is no shortage of options. Here are 10 hot models worth a look.

9 Skype Alternatives Worth Considering
Skype has become synonymous with voice and video chat for most consumers, but there are several other services that do the same things.

10 Career-Boosting Books For Your Summer Reading List
Take some of your free summer hours to dive into one of these books written by well-known business and IT leaders, including Bill Gates, Michael Dell, and Andrew Grove, and learn their perspectives on management and success.

10 Best Tech Jobs For 2016
Tech companies' perks and benefits have long been the envy of a number of industries, but what about the actual work itself? It turns out that tech jobs accounted for nearly half of Glassdoor's "25 Best Jobs in America" report. You may be surprised by the tech jobs that made the list.


8 Reasons You Need a Security Penetration Test



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