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Rental Property Booking Calendar

A close relative to our Availability Booking Calendar, the new property rental script was created especially for the hospitality business. Embed our vacation rental booking calendar into your site and show available dates, allow visitors to reserve properties online, and process various payments. Manage multiple properties and bookings from a user-friendly admin.

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Product Comparison Script 1.1

Our dev team made some bug fixes and usability enhancements to our product comparison tool. Version 1.1 also comes with a brand new layout and ten color themes. Admins can translate the script into any language by means of the unique text IDs or the smart export/import feature. Already using the compare script? Upgrade for free!

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Invoice Manager 3.1

The latest minor update to our PHP billing software is much more intuitive and efficient after the recent improvements. Now you can export a feed with all your clients for further processing and enable them to log in to the admin system to review and keep track of their invoices. We have slightly changed the backend user interface and enhanced the invoice template text editor.

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PHP News Script 1.1

Our news management system also went through a series of bug fixes and functionality tweaks. The news feed widget was updated to PHP7. We are gradually implementing this upgrade for all our PHP scripts in order to ensure you optimal performance and compatibility. Users of version 1.0 can upgrade for free!

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