Before you pass on that juicy T-bone or side of bacon... know this: | Before you pass on that juicy T-bone or side of bacon... know this: Shocking new research shows there's a Trojan horse of a "health food" we regularly eat thinking it's good for us... When in fact... It could land you in the back of an ambulance. In fact, this so-called "health food" that many doctors TELL their patients to eat, can lead to... ...excess belly fat... ...blood sugar imbalances... ...blood pressure concerns... And worst of all... Out-of-whack cholesterol that could eventually lead to your spouse dialing 911. You might even be eating this food every day (I know I was)... So, go here to see the #1 worst food I urge you and your loved ones to avoid. Because it may be harming your heart — just like it was harming mine. To Your Health, Dr. K Founder of Fisico | | | | | Cheers to a healthier you! Mary Ann McGarrett | |
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