Cancer Health Email Update
The Cancer Health Summer 2024 Issue Is Here!
Click here to read all the content you’ll find in the summer print issue, including our annual Cancer Health 25 and the cover profile on golfer Jim Plotkin, who is winning with CLL.
Research & Rewards
A message from our editor-in-chief about the 2024 summer issue of Cancer Health.
Are Tattoos a Risk Factor for Lymphoma?
A study found a 21% higher risk of malignant lymphoma in people with tattoos, but more research on the potential association is needed.
Here Comes the Sun! What’s Your Skin strategy?
Avoiding sunburn is the first step in preventing deadly skin cancer melanoma
Sick People Are Sick Sometimes; That’s Ok
I finished the fourth monthly cycle of chemo, writes brain cancer blogger Adam Hayden, and I really have not been feeling well.
Coping in the Aftermath of a Cancer Diagnosis
10 tips and coping strategies from a Fred Hutch social psychologist and researcher
Healthy Recipe: Pan-Fried Marinated Tofu
This recipe shows the adaptability of tofu outside of the usual Asian-inspired meals
#ASCO 2024
A roundup of studies presented at this year’s annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), held in Chicago, May 31 to June 4

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