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Windows 10 Spring Creators Update: A cheat sheet

Everything you need to know about the latest major feature update to Windows 10, including the features for home users and businesses, how to get it now and how to delay it.

Additional TechRepublic resources

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User privacy and data management: Changes to expect in light of the Facebook debacle

PowerHammer lets hackers steal data from air-gapped computers through power lines

Apple killing support for 32-bit apps, which could impact popular business programs

Survey: How much do you know about blockchain?

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HP's first Chromebook detachable offers lightweight option for business travelers

Windows 10 Spring Creators Update: 9 features enterprise users need to know

Will my computer run the Windows 10 Spring Creators Update?

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Webcast - How AWS migration and a new monitoring vision support Nasdaq’s business transformation

Nasdaq is transforming - focusing on technology-driven innovation centered around its core strengths in market-powering technologies, data, and analytics. Supporting this move, Nasdaq is cloud-enabling all core applications using AWS for agility...

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Photos: All the tech celebrities and brands that have deleted Facebook

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Featured survey

How much do you know about blockchain? How do you think blockchain will affect your industry? Take this quick survey from sister site Tech Pro Research.

A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

A winning strategy for cybersecurity

The smartest companies now approach cybersecurity with a risk management strategy. Learn how to make policies to protect your most important digital assets.

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