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CES 2019: Google Assistant helps business travelers interpret, get directions, check into flights

Google Assistant's latest additions help users become safer and more productive while traveling. Here's what to expect.

Additional TechRepublic resources

CES 2019: Samsung shifts to tech for pros, integrates with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant

Alcatel debuts 2 new entry-level Android smartphones at CES 2019

CES 2019: How smartwatches can boost productivity for business users

CES 2019: How Winston can protect consumers and smart offices from identity thieves

Redmi Note 7's $150 price tag proves a good smartphone doesn't have to break the bank

Kiwi for Gmail perfect for professionals who depend on Google services

Google makes it easier to pick up past searches

How to streamline meeting document collaboration with G Suite

How to use the Pixel 3 Call Screening feature

Featured multimedia

CES 2019: A first look at the cool tech of CES Unveiled

Today's recommended downloads

20 pro tips to make Windows 10 work the way you want (free PDF)


Get more done with your iPhone: Tips and tricks for power users (free PDF)


Digital transformation: An IT pro’s guide (free PDF)


How to protect against 10 common browser threats (free PDF)


Apple FileVault 2: Tips for IT pros (free PDF)


Featured survey

How will 5G transform your business? What is your company doing to prepare? Can your company's existing/legacy infrastructure systems take advantage of 5G? What may hinder your 5G adoption? Tell us! Take this 5-minute survey and get a free copy of the final research report.

A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

CES 2019: The big trends for business

It's no wonder that IBM CEO Ginni Rometty is the opening keynote for CES 2019--the conference is about business as much as consumer electronics--as IoT, smart IT, AI and 5G take center stage as the bridge to everything connected.

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