Top global companies, including General Mills and Volkswagen, have suspended their advertising on Twitter. Meanwhile, celebrities are considering quitting the platform altogether amid Elon Musk's takeover. The Tesla and SpaceX CEO, who acquired the company for $44 billion, has announced several changes to the company after saying he wants to promote free speech, which may include reinstating the accounts of banned users. He did, however, say Kanye West's account had been "restored by Twitter before the acquisition" and without his knowledge. While advertisers considered their partnerships with the social networking site, celebrities including Toni Braxton and Sara Bareilles, as well as producer Shonda Rhimes, said they were considering leaving the platform, per Yahoo! Entertainment. Meanwhile, actor Téa Leoni's account disappeared, and so too did Musk's ex, Amber Heard. Click 'read more' for the full story. |