The sudden realization that you are entirely capable of realizing the objectives you set for yourself can awe you today. You may feel particularly capable, clever, and creative, or you may simply understand that your aptitudes are refined enough to carry you forward. However, if you do not feel an inspirational sense of self-assurance today, consider devoting a portion of your free time to focused introspection. As you reflect upon your past, the triumphs you see in your own life's history can prove to you that you have met the universe's challenges with aplomb. You can make the most of the glory you see today by channeling the pride you likely feel into your goal-realization efforts in the present.

Our past accomplishments can be a wonderful source of inspiration and motivation because they demonstrate to us that we have within us what it takes to make our dreams come true. We encounter much in our individual journeys that can awaken the specter of self-doubt in our minds and hearts. To combat these demoralizing forces, we should look toward the achievements that made us feel proud and capable. As we review these triumphs in our mind's eye, our determination to successfully realize our current objectives is reaffirmed. We instinctively understand that no trial or test we face in the future will be more trying than that which we were called upon to best in the past. You will find the strength to move forward today when you look backward and see the many great feats you have already performed.