Washington at dusk on Jan. 31, 2017. (Jim Havard via Twitter) TODAY’S DAILY DIGIT A somewhat subjective rating of the day’s weather, on a scale of 0 to 10. 6/10: Relatively mild air and light winds on Feb. 1 deserve a decent score, despite considerable clouds. EXPRESS FORECAST Today: Partly to mostly cloudy; stray shower? Highs: Upper 40s to low 50s. Tonight: Partly to mostly cloudy. Lows: Near 30 to mid-30s. Tomorrow: Partly sunny, breezy, cooler. Highs: Low to mid-40s. View the current weather at The Washington Post headquarters. FORECAST IN DETAIL As we turn the page to February, I know some are wondering whether we’ll ever get real snow this winter. In the near term, it’s not looking good, at least not through the next week or so. We still might see a little snow on Super Bowl Sunday, but that doesn’t look too promising for significant accumulation, although things could still change. In the meantime, we’ll enjoy a fairly nice day today before cooling down tomorrow. Today (Wednesday): Partly to mostly cloudy skies may keep us slightly cooler than yesterday, and we do have a chance of a stray shower or sprinkle. But after we start the morning in the 30s, a mild breeze from the west (about 5-10 mph) should still get afternoon highs to the upper 40s to low 50s. Confidence: Medium-High Tonight: We’ll probably stay partly to mostly cloudy through much of the night, with clearing skies possible toward morning. Lows remain several degrees above average, ranging from near 30 to the mid-30s, with light winds. Confidence: High |