Under canopy lighting presents numerous advantages for modern horticulture, including improved photosynthesis in lower plant regions for growers who remain conscious of CO2 supplementation.
The introduction of under canopy lighting not only increases heat load but also alters the environmental conditions that influence CO2 uptake. Plants use CO2 for photosynthesis, and higher CO2 levels can boost plant growth and yield. However, changes in temperature and humidity, due to the additional lighting, can complicate the efficiency of CO2 supplementation.
So, what should a cannabis cultivator do to maintain the right balance?
The team at Thrive Agritech, the industry leader in research-based LED lighting solutions, is here to help in this month’s special report, which provides key considerations and conclusions for not only CO2 supplementation but also for sensible and latent heat, humidity, HVAC, and nutrient uptake.
This report is available through October only—Get it while it’s here!