Dear Friend, I sincerely hope you managed to enjoy a little time off last week. I did, and now I’m fully charged up and thrilled to bring you a special announcement. Several weeks ago, thousands of you responded to our 2018 Mauldin Economics Investor Survey. Your answers told me that many of you are experiencing not just worry, but angst about the economy and markets right now. Trade wars. Political powder kegs. Sky-high valuations. Fears about your retirement and frustration about where to put your money in this environment... we hear you. Your survey answers did not disappear into a vacuum. Nor did the many emails I received about my Thoughts from the Frontline “Trainwreck” series. For the past few weeks, the Mauldin Economics editors and I have been working together on how we can assist you best right now (and in the future). Please take a couple of minutes to watch a video I recorded for you, by clicking the player below. You’ll find out exactly what we have lined up for you. I can’t resist giving you a brief hint before I sign off: It’s the biggest free event we have ever put together for you. Your raring-to-go analyst, John Mauldin Chairman