Kategorien:Gedichte | PoesieAlter:7 - 13 Jahr14 - 18 Jahr19 - 30 Jahr31 - 64 Jahre65 Jahre und älter
9 Monate vor
Tell Us How Poetry Daily Can Help You
Dear Reader, Here at Poetry Daily we are planning to expand our educational outreach over the next twelve months. Our email earlier today contained a broken link, for which we do apologize. This message includes the working link, and we would be so grateful if you would try once more to access our survey. We want, of course, to provide the most helpful resources possible. Thus we're asking all educators, whether they work in schools or universities, in community outreach or informal learning and teaching, to share their ideas. Please help us to make Poetry Daily a richer educational resource by taking our short (10 - 15 mins.) survey below. Let us know how you use Poetry Daily in your teaching, how you would like to use Poetry Daily and, finally, what else we might offer to bring more contemporary poetry into the lives of students. And one respondent will win a $25 Bookshop gift certificate in our random drawing.