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Join the ConfectioneryNews Editorial Webinar: "Is there a crisis in cocoa supply chains?" on May 23 at 4PM CET | 9AM CT. Register now. ▶
News & Analysis on Chocolate, Candy and Biscuits01-May-2024
[EDITORIAL WEBINAR] - Crisis in cocoa supply chains
[EDITORIAL WEBINAR] - Crisis in cocoa supply chains
Join our editorial webinar on May 23 at 4PM CET | 9AM CT to explore sustainable procurement practices amidst impending EU Deforestation Regulation and cocoa shortages. - REGISTER NOW... click here
Brussels, do we have a problem with the EUDR?
‘Beleaguered’ is perhaps too strong an adjective to describe the forthcoming European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), but when the bloc’s Director General for Trade goes on record as describing its current state as "extremely burdensome," then Brussels may have a problem with its new law.... Read more
Ofi Cocoa partners with USAID to deliver enhanced supply chain transparency
Major cocoa supplier ofi (olam food ingredients), has claimed recent developments in data and technology are behind its progress towards creating a more sustainable supply chain.... Read more
Aero temps sharers with new campaign
Nestlé’s Aero has launched a new ‘ShAero’ marketing campaign in the UK and Ireland, with an on-pack promotion that will see more than 33,000 sharing bars of Aero Peppermint up for grabs.... Read more
British rock candy faces extinction
Ten Blackpool-based confectionery manufacturers have come together to urge UK Government to grant rock origin protection status after ‘cheap, imitation imports’ place their businesses at risk.... Read more
View all news headlines for:    Feb     Mar     Apr
Civil societies welcome EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
The proposed EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) seeks to introduce legal obligations for large corporations to conduct human rights and environmental due diligence in their global supply chains.... Read more
Is there a crisis in cocoa supply chains?
With the new European Union Deforestation Regulation on the horizon, should the industry adopt a more responsible approach to procurement when sourcing cocoa beans and other ingredients? Our latest webinar follows the highly successful and informative webinar on the EUDR legislation broadcast in January. Invited...
Sweet Solutions: Exploring the Future of Sugar Reduction
Eager to reduce the sugar in your products by up to 50%? Don't miss out on an engaging discussion with Dr. David Tsivion, CO-CEO & CTO, Incredo®, a global food-tech powerhouse and the creators of Incredo® Sugar, and Melissa Tisoncik, R&D Vice President, Blommer Chocolate, the...
Does tax on ‘unhealthy’ foods lower obesity rates?
Rates of obesity continue to rise globally, with governments taking various measures to tackle it, but is taxing unhealthy foods the solution?... Read more
Study highlights racial differences for DHA intakes, calls for optimizing DHA status in pregnancy
Black women have, on average, lower DHA omega-3 levels and higher risk of preterm birth, but high dose supplementation with DHA may reduce the risk of preterm birth and early preterm birth, says a new study.... Read more
How will the CSDDD be implemented in EU member states?
The CSDDD, which aims to keep large companies’ supply chains to high standards on sustainability and human rights, has passed through the European Parliament. Next comes the tricky part: implementation.... Read more
US recycling laws ‘a growing pain point’ for food producers, says FoodChain ID
With regulators pushing for improved recyclability and reduced packaging waste, how should manufacturers navigate the latest regulations and packaging trends?... Read more
Plant-based 3.0: Industry insiders share strategies for pushing alternative proteins forward
After a challenging few years in which falling sales and units dragged plant-based protein into the trough of disillusionment, stakeholders are finding ways up the other side of the Gartner Hype Cycle by leveraging emerging technologies, novel ingredients and new culinary techniques, which FoodNavigator-USA explores in an upcoming free webinar.... Read more
How is saccharin regulated in Europe?
After a tragic death in India, the sweetener saccharin made the headlines. While it has widespread use in Europe, including the UK and EU, the sweetener is tightly regulated.... Read more
‘Chocolate bonus’ for cocoa farmers helps with living income struggle
Mars Snacking appoints Gabriel Fernandez as new GEM president
When will the price of cocoa come down?
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William Reed