Editor's note: Occasionally, we come across ideas that are too important not to share. This is an extremely pressing report from our friend Nick Hubble at Strategic Intelligence


Dear Reader,

China is in deep, deep trouble, according to Jim Rickards.

And, as such, so could be the global economy.

China is undertaking a quarantine effort rarely seen before in history.

But it still leaves a reservoir of more than one billion people in hundreds of small towns and villages…people who are prone to catch the virus from those who got away from the cities before they were locked down.

The world’s second-biggest economy is already grinding to a halt.

The fact that China is self-imploding its own economy should tell you something about the potential catastrophe of what could happen if this virus goes properly global.

China’s leaders are REALLY SCARED.

And they’re right to be.

According to Rickards, if it gets loose in India and Africa, ‘it will go ballistic.

And yet…

President Trump has claimed the coronavirus outbreak will ‘have a very good ending for us’.

What does he mean?

Coronavirus is already impacting supply chains in the global economy.

If this continues as it’s going now, the world’s second-largest economy could be toast in a month’s time. 

Surely if there’s a global pandemic it will be terrible for everyone, right?

As you’ll see here, that’s not the case.

If the coronavirus continues to spread — or, heaven forbid, mutate — it will be terrible for almost everyone.

A small few, however, will look at it as the opportunity of a lifetime.

To see what I mean, read this.


Nick Hubble Signature

Nick Hubble,
Editor, Strategic Intelligence