Good morning, Boris Johnson has said a Brexit trade deal can still be done by the end of the year - but warned the UK will not compromise on key issues like fishing rights. The Prime Minister spoke out after Brussels’ chief negotiator Michel Barnier said a trade deal between the UK and the EU is “unlikely” before the end of the year when the post-Brexit transition phase comes to an end. In other news, new international research has found that home-made face masks should be created to include at least two layers of cloth covering the nose and mouth to be most effective in preventing the spread of Covid-19. A message from the editor: While I have your attention, I also have an important request to make of you. With the coronavirus lockdown having a major impact on many of our advertisers - and consequently the revenue we receive - we are more reliant than ever on you taking out a digital subscription. Subscribe to and enjoy unlimited access to Scottish news and information online and on our app. With a digital subscription, you can read more than 5 articles, see fewer ads, enjoy faster load times, and get access to exclusive newsletters and content. Visit now to sign up. Our journalism costs money and we rely on advertising, print and digital revenues to help to support them. By supporting us, we are able to support you in providing trusted, fact-checked content for this website. Your feedback is really important, please email me with any comments and suggestions at [email protected]. Joy Yates Editorial Director JPIMedia Scotland |