TODAY'S TOP STORIES - November 6, 2017

Charles Blow: Are the Democrats Completely Hopeless?

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

Grassroots organizations deserve so much better than their elected officials. READ MORE»

Robert Reich: This Will Be Trump's Most Damning and Damaging Legacy

By Robert Reich,

Americans are losing faith in their nation's capacity for self-government. READ MORE»

The Latest Kevin Spacey Allegations May Be the Most Disturbing to Date

By Gwilym Mumford, The Guardian

Richard Dreyfuss' son alleges he was assaulted with his own father in the room. READ MORE»

Did Russian Lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya Just Gift-Wrap Donald Jr. to Robert Mueller?

By David Edwards, Raw Story

The attorney alleges Trump officials promised quid pro quo if elected. READ MORE»

Right-Wing Media Are Already Spinning a Vile New Conspiracy Theory About the Texas Church Massacre

By Michael Edison Hayden, Newsweek

Alex Jones wants you to believe this was the work of Antifa. READ MORE»

There Is No Easy Fix for Trump's Continuing Degradation of the Presidency

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

He'd be removed from office under normal circumstances. But nothing is normal anymore.  READ MORE»

Police Are Zeroing In on a Motive in the Texas Church Massacre

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

Officials believe it may have been triggered by a domestic dispute. READ MORE»

Why Did Trump Release a Report Confirming Climate Change Is Real?

By Lorraine Chow, EcoWatch

The White House has distanced itself from the main conclusion of the special report. READ MORE»

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