Resisting changes at your company can cause you to miss opportunities or even be fired, Suzan Bond writes. Work to understand the reasons for the change so you can contribute creative solutions. Fast Company online (7/15) How to stay in tune with your team Every week, ask the people you manage how they are doing and if they need help with anything, Alyse Kalish writes. Every month, have a conversation about priorities and every quarter, discuss longer-term goals. The Muse (7/13)
When networking, it's better to strive to appear "interested" than "interesting," Ivan Misner writes. Demonstrate interest through smiles and comments, avoid "power poses" and give people an arm's length of personal space. Entrepreneur online (7/11)
Your Next Challenge
How to resign tactfully When resigning, meet with your boss in person if possible, Alison Green writes. Give at least two weeks' notice and make sure your boss knows about your resignation before your co-workers do. The Cut (7/10)
Balancing Yourself
Take steps to make the morning productive Morning activities such as writing and prioritizing a to-do list can set the tone for the day, Kathryn Vasel writes. Consider designating time for pre-work activities, like responding to emails and relaxation. CNNMoney (7/9)
What does "meme" mean? The word "meme" is a cross-cultural phenomenon thanks to the internet, as it is a popular English word in many European countries. The word dates to 1976, when Richard Dawkins coined it to mean "a container for an idea or a unit of culture, like a fashion trend or blues melody," Nikhil Sonnad writes. Quartz (7/12)
In whatever state of knowledge we may conceive man to be placed, his progress towards a yet higher state need never fear a check, but must continue till the last existence of society.
John Herschel, mathematician, astronomer and chemist