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Living With Cancer Mayo Clinic is ranked #1 in the nation.
February 27, 2020
Biological therapy for cancer
This treatment uses the body's own immune system to kill cancer cells. Discover how it works and the different types of biological therapy that exist, including CAR-T cell therapy.
Cancer surgery: Physically removing tumors
Has your doctor recommended surgery as part of your cancer treatment? Discover what's really involved to help put your mind at ease.
Answers for a common concern
Incontinence affects millions of people. If you're among them, the good news is that most incontinence can be improved or even cured. With Mayo Clinic on Managing Incontinence, you'll discover Mayo Clinic's most successful medical and non-medical treatment approaches to help men and women improve the quality of their lives. Learn more.
Hope and support for pancreatic cancer
A diagnosis of pancreatic cancer can be scary, but you're not alone. Connect with others and find resources on Mayo Clinic Connect.
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