Insights for Farm CEOs

Imagine this: A high school teacher in Union City, N.J., receives a call. He’s asked to lead a chapel service for the New York Giants the night before their 2011 Christmas Eve game against the New York Jets.

On Dec. 23, Gian Paul Gonzalez stands before the team, who face tough odds of making the playoffs, and hands each player a poker chip. He asks them to write their initials on one side and their number or a top commitment on the other side.

“Sometimes we’ve got to step up and be all in,” Gonzalez tells the group. “You have to be willing to say, ‘I’m going to be all in and risk everything and bet everything.’”

Are you ready to be inspired by Gonzalez? Join us at Farm Journal Field Days, a virtual education and networking event happening Aug. 25–27. 


Kristjan Hebert focuses on long-term gain over short-term gains on his Saskatchewan farm.

“I truly believe challenges are simply opportunities in disguise — opportunities to learn and grow,” says Hebert, managing partner of Hebert Grain Ventures in Moosomin, Saskatchewan.


Wells Fargo Economist: Biggest Threat to Farming Is Tesla

“Ethanol will not have a growth future. It will have a decline future. You better find a home for the grain, and it better be livestock,” Michael Swanson says.


Take the Lead on Tough Conversations About Inequality

A Q&A with Corey Flournoy, a former National FFA President and the current global head of inclusion and diversity at Groupon.


John Phipps: A Major Misconception About Transitioning the Farm

There's a major misconception when it comes to transitioning the farm. John Phipps kicks off a multi-part series about planning for the next generation in farming on U.S. Farm Report.


"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." —Zig Ziglar


Farm Journal Field Days, Aug. 25-27 | Register for Free

Virtual programming, which consists of live sessions, webinars, eBooks, audio recordings, educational materials and more. Speakers will include Machinery Pete, Farm Journal Agronomist Missy Bauer, Jerry Gulke & Chip Flory, plus a line up of experts from outside of agriculture who bring motivation and perspective to your operation!

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