Plus, issues at the dentist's office, and more....

July 21, 2021
Biden Finally Finds His Trustbuster in Jonathan Kanter
Rounding out his appointments with the new antitrust chief, the president has found a team bold enough to challenge the terms of our economic dystopia head-on.
by Jacob Silverman


GOP senators have bogged down the infrastructure bill in the name of bipartisanship. The Democrats need to take control of the process.
by Alex Shephard
Companies like Israel’s NSO Group have revolutionized how governments spy on their citizens. Can they be tamed?
by Jacob Silverman
Is the field of dentistry rife with overtreatment?
by The Politics of Everything
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Our writers and editors are fighting for a fairer world—but they need your help. Here’s a special summer offer to subscribe to The New Republic.
—Ryan Kearney, executive editor
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The chaos unfolding outside of a Los Angeles spa is a case study in how the right’s media and political ecosystems feed each other, often resulting in very real violence.
by Esther Wang
The Amazon founder revived the theory of surplus value.
by Timothy Noah
The so-called carbon border adjustment mechanism proposed by Democratic Senator Chris Coons this week is going to be pretty hard to implement.
by Kate Aronoff


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